Acupuncture’s Molecular Effects Pinned Down

Acupuncture’s amazing for pain management of all kinds: headaches, musculoskeletal pain and even emotional pain. But the scientific community still has skeptics that are still unsure of the benefits of acupuncture because they don’t know how it works. Previous studies have already shown that acupuncture creates signals that cause the brain release endorphins — the body’s natural pain-killers. In this new study, scientists focused on adenosine. It is natural compound known for regulating sleep, for effects on the heart, and for its anti-inflammatory properties. After an injury, adenosine helps inhibit nerve signals and ease pain in a way similar to lidocaine but naturally. Link to the full article: Acupuncture’s Molecular Effects Pinned Down: New Insights Spur Effort to Boost Treatment’s Impact Significantly

Stress Management and Chinese Medicine

Stress is a common issue we all experience as city dwellers. It is important to take care of stress before it becomes a serious health problem in your life or the lives of your loved ones. Excessive stress can lead to headaches, digestive problems, insomnia, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, weakened immune system, and more. Stress can also cause premature aging, loss of energy and productivity, sexual dysfunction, cancer, diabetes and loss of memory. Continue Reading …

Upcoming Events

June 23: Pasadena – Medical Qigong for Beginners – 6pm to 7pm

June 26: Venice – Medical Qigong for Beginners – 9am to 10am

June 26: Venice – Advanced Medical Qigong – 10am to 11am

Celebrating Jenesse Center’s 30 years of service combating domestic violence

Today we’re celebrating the Jenesse Center’s 30 years of service supporting families affected by domestic violence. For 2010, we are proud to help Jenesse add Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine to the list of services they offer clients. Continue Reading …

Chinese Medicine Café Hour in Highland Park – Sat. May 8, 2010, 5-6:30pm

Chinese Medicine Physician Henry Jun Wah Lee, L.Ac. will be hosting a Chinese Medicine Café hour at Antigua Coffee House to benefit the health of the community. Learn what you can do the manage stress naturally and experience the power of acupuncture. This event will be held Saturday May 8, 2010 from 5 to 6:30pm. Continue Reading …

Protected: Chinese Medicine Teams up with Fast Food to Acu-Size Meals

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Finding Science in Acupuncture

A very informative video and article from the Wall Street Journal about Acupuncture. “Acupuncture has long baffled medical experts and no wonder: It holds that an invisible life force called qi (pronounced chee) travels up and down the body in 14 meridians. Illness and pain are due to blockages and imbalances in qi. Inserting thin needles into the body at precise points can unblock the meridians, practitioners believe, and treat everything from arthritis and asthma to anxiety, acne and infertility.” Click for video and article. Continue Reading …

Acupuncture Beats Aspirin for Chronic Headache

Acupuncture is found to work better than drugs like aspirin to reduce the severity and frequency of chronic headaches. A team at Duke University recently reviewed studies involving nearly 4,000 patients with migraine, tension headache and other forms of chronic headache and found that 62 percent of the acupuncture patients reported headache relief compared to […]

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